Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Pokémon Review: Keldeo

Keldeo was released in Japan a few days ago, and it is AWESOME!
If you didn't know, Keldeo has a new form which is available in Black 2 and White 2 called the "Resolution Form" and it looks amazing: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f4/647Keldeo-Resolution.png
Unlike the other 5 new legendary forms, Keldeo keeps the ability of Justified on both forms, though I would've rather it gotten something new.

It is definitely best to use Keldeo as a Special Attacker rather than a Physical Attacker because it has a SpA base stat of 129!
As for EVs on an offensive CM set, I'd probably go with 4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe.

A good set for Keldeo would be this:

Keldeo @ Leftovers/Life Orb
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Nature: Timid
Ability: Justified
Moveset: Calm Mind, Hydro Pump/Surf, Hidden Power Ice, Secret Sword

In the TCG:
At time of writing, Keldeo has no English TCG card and so I cannot review it.

Overall I give Keldeo a rating of 9/10!


  1. omg this pokemon is awesome i cant wait for it to release outside of japan plz review thundurus therian trnadus therian and landorus therian!!

    1. I'm planning on reviewing all 6 new forms after the next 2 reviews so look forward to that! :)
